This edge Connector/Header for the BBC micro:bit gives access to all important pins on the bottom edge of the microbit allowing for custom prototyping systems.
Looking to do more with your BBC micro:bit? Unlock its potential with this Edge Connector/Header for the BBC micro:bit! The edge connector/header offers an easy way to connect additional circuits and hardware to the pins on the edge of the BBC micro:bit. It provides access to all of the BBC micro:bit processor pins allowing a lot of extra functionality to be added.
This Edge Connector/Header is the same that can be found in both the Edge Connector Breakout Board for the BBC micro:bit and the Edge Connector Breakout Board for BBC micro:bit - Pre-built products.
It is the ideal solution for projects where there isn't the room or need for a full breakout board. It is also the perfect solution for anyone that wants to design there own breakout board or prototyping systems.
- It is a compact edge connector solution for your projects
- Breaks out 21 pins from the edge of the BBC micro:bit
- Ideal for designing custom prototyping systems
- Ideal for designing custom breakout boards
- 1 x Edge Connector/Header for the BBC micro:bit
- Length: 58mm
- Width: 21mm
- Height: 8mm
- Soldering Iron
- Solder
- BBC micro:bit