Pinbetween $10.95 Pinbetween gives you access to all of the micro:bit's pins at the same time as using an edge-connector add-on, and it's completely solderless! The 40-pin male header on Pinbetween lets you use jumper jerky to connect extra bits to your micro:bit while... Notify Me
Elecfreaks micro:bit Breadboard Adapter $6.95 micro:bit Breadboard Adapter is a breadboard pinboard based on micro:bit. It can be directly plugged into the breadboard. Through this adapter, you can start various DIY creations on mico:bit Breadboard. Fully compatible with micro:bit board; All... Notify Me
Breadboard Breakout for BBC micro:bit $9.95 Easy way to connect breadboard from micro:bit by using all new SB Components micro:bit Breadboard Breakout it allows you to connect or plug a BBC micro:bit into a standard 2.54 mm pitch breadboard. The micro:bit Breadboard Breakout PCB is designed to... Add to Cart
SparkFun Qwiic micro:bit Breakout (with Headers) $9.45 There is no micro:bit included with this breakout; it will need to be purchased separately The SparkFun Qwiic micro:bit Breakout is a board that connects to the BBC micro:bit and expands the capabilities of the development platform by providing access... Add to Cart
Connector for micro:bit $5.95 Works with Micro:bit v1 and v2. The MonkMakes Connector for micro:bit makes it super-easy to connect I2C, SPI and other devices to your micro:bit without losing the main connector rings. Unlike other connectors that are designed to break-out all the... Add to Cart
BBC micro:bit Breadboard Adapter $8.95 The micro:bit Breadboard Adapter is a breadboard pinboard based on the BBC micro:bit. It plugs directly into the breadboard and breaks out each of the micro:bit’s pins, This breadboard adapter consists 2 arrangements of 22 micro:bit pins... Notify Me
Edge Connector / Header for BBC micro:bit $3.95 This edge Connector/Header for the BBC micro:bit gives access to all important pins on the bottom edge of the microbit allowing for custom prototyping systems. Looking to do more with your BBC micro:bit? Unlock its potential with this Edge... Add to Cart
pin:bit $9.95 pin:bit breaks out all of the useful pins from your micro:bit into breadboard format while providing handy-dandy labels to make your builds go smoothly. It's ideal for building small circuits on a breadboard, and for exploring what different... Notify Me
Edge Connector Breakout Board for BBC micro:bit - Pre-built $7.95 Caution! The BBC micro:bit is NOT included. You can buy the BBC micro:bit here. Looking to do more with your BBC micro:bit? Unlock its potential with this pre-built version of Kitronik Edge Connector Breakout Board! This breakout board has... Add to Cart
2x40 Right Angle Edge Connector for micro:bit $6.95 This is a connector that fits directly to the edge contacts of a BBC micro:bit. The connector has 80 pins, but because of the different widths of the micro:bit edge contacts, some of the micro:bit contacts will map to more than one of this... Add to Cart