CamJam EduKit 2 - Sensors
SKU: | K2B-1335 |

The CamJam EduKit 2 features the following components all neatly packaged in a project tin:
- 1 x Breadboard
- 1 x Immersible temperature Sensor
- 1 x PIR Sensor
- 1 x LDR
- 1 x Active Buzzer
- 1 x Red 10mm LED
- 1 x Blue 10mm LED
- 1 x 4.7K Resistor
- 2 x 330 Resistor
- 10 x M/F Jumper Wires
- 4 x M/M Jumper Wires
The kit is accompanied by a set of (currently 6) downloadable worksheets (or lesson plans for you educators!) that will take you through a series of exercises and projects, teaching you how to make the most of your kit. Whats best is that there is no soldering required, each high quality component is breadboard friendly!
- Worksheet 1 - Introduction
Using GPIO Zero / Using RPi.GPIO - Worksheet 2 - LEDs and Buzzer
Using GPIO Zero / Using RPi.GPIO - Worksheet 3 - Temperature (please read this one carefully as some of the instructions depend on which model of the Pi you are using)
Using GPIO Zero / Using RPi.GPIO - Worksheet 4 - Light
Using GPIO Zero / Using RPi.GPIO - Worksheet 5 - Movement
Using GPIO Zero / Using RPi.GPIO - Worksheet 6 - Alarm
Using GPIO Zero / Using RPi.GPIO
The code and worksheets for EduKit 2 can be found on GitHub.
They also have some partially-complete scripts for Scratch available.