Arduino UNO Compatible Prototyping Shield
SKU: | FT1115500 |
This is is a prototyping shield for the Arduino UNO micro-controller.  It fits onto the header pins on the Arduino UNO board bringing the Arduino's pins into its PCB with connections for every pin.  One can solder sensors, wires, LEDs, etc to the prototyping board so that they can interact with the Arduino. The advantage of this board over a simple breadboard is that one can solder components (creating a more solid and permanent connection between components) and it fits directly onto the Arduino UNO (making your project look neater).
A mini breadboard is also included with the Arduino UNO Compatible Prototyping Shield!
The Prototyping Shield is also designed to accept some 3rd party components and to make them connect to the correct pins on the Arduino UNO.
Supported Components:
Nokia 5110 Screen
All of the Arduino's communication channels
WARNING: This board is meant to work with the Arduino Duemilanove however it will also work with the Arduino UNO. The headers line up with the ones on the UNO and so do the labels on the pins making it fully compatible. HOWEVER the shield does not connect to 4 pins on the Arduino UNO R3; SCL,SDA, IOREF, and a blank header pin. SCL and SDA are used for I2C communication and IOREF is used as a reference voltage. Depending on what you plan to do with your Arduino you may never use these pins.
You can check out the Arduino UNO schematic here: http://arduino.cc/en/uploads/Main/Arduino_Uno_Rev3-schematic.pdf