Ring:bit car V2 lights-bar module is the dedicated module designed for Ring:Bit Car V2. It brings you beautiful multiple colors with simple assembly.
Come with 8 Rainbow full-color LEDs. You can update your ring:bit car to a car with headlights and rainbow lights.
- Input voltage 3V~5V and directly drove by micro:bit.
- Standard 3-line GVS port, only occupies one I/O port.
- 8 small LEDs, power saving and energy saving.
- Each LED can be coded independently and show RGB color.
- Working Voltage: DC 3-5V
- Port: Ring:bit car dedicated pin ports
- Output Signal: Simulation
- LEDs: 8 pcs
- Dimension: 60.8 x 33.20mm
- Net weight: 5.7g
- First, insert this module to the baseboard of the Ring:bit car V2.
- Then, screw up the screws
- Connection completed
- Program a simple light-bar code in the makecode.
- Set and initialize the “strip” variable, and connect LED from P0-P10.
- Set LED to show rainbow color.
- Move the color one by one in a forever loop.
- Show colors.
Links for the code: https://makecode.microbit.org/_Eyc3eCLLj2YF