ExpEYES V2.0
SKU: | 2053 |
Please note: the packaging of the product (carton box) might be slightly unsound. The content of the kit is totally intact.
The ExpEYES 2.0, or ExpEYES Junior as its popularly called, replaces the expEYES with the following changes. Hence the ExpEYES' first version has since been discontinued.
ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator Centre,New Delhi. It is a hardware & software framework for developing science experiments, demonstrations and projects without getting in to the details of electronics or computer programming. It converts your windows PC, your Raspberry Pi and most linux supporting tablets into a science laboratory. PHOENIX (Physics with Home-made Equipment and Innovative Experiments) project was started, in 2005 as a part of IUAC's outreach program, with the objectives of developing affordable laboratory equipment and training teachers. Design of ExpEYES combines the real-time measurement capability of micro-controllers with the ease and flexibility of Python programming language for data analysis and visualisation. It also functions as a test equipment for elecronics hobbyists and engineering students. Software for all products from PHOENIX are distributed under GNU General Public License.
- A tool for learning science by exploring and experimenting.
- 50 documented experiments and easy to add more.
- This kit includes all the parts required for the documented experiments.
- Wide range, High school and above.
- Built-in Signal Generator and CRO.
- USB Powered.
- 12bit analog resolution.
- Microsecond timing resolution.
- Open Hardware & Free Software.
- Software in Python language.
- Compact, 8.6x5.8x1.6 cm, 60 gm.
Made in India
Press Coverage:
Resources and Downloads:
expEYEs User's manual
expEYEs Programmer's manual
expEYES Junior User's manual
expEYES Junior Programmer's manual
Download Software
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