The colour changing LED in this nightlight kit is automatically illuminated and starts to cycle through various patterns when the light sensor has detected that is dark. The kit uses the light activated board with a colour changing LED. The kit includes the light activated switch project kit (part 2112), accompanied by a battery clip, battery cage and rainbow LED. All individually bagged and ready for your students to build.
- When in darkness, this Easy Build Kit generates an array of different coloured illuminations using a Colour Changing LED.
- 1 x 1MΩ Potentiometer.
- 2 x BC337 NPN Transistor.
- 1 x 220Ω Resistor.
- 1 x Phototransistor.
- 1 x Colour Changing (Rainbow) LED.
- 1 x PP3 Clip Leads.
- 1 x 4AA Battery Holder.
- 1 x Night Light PCB
- PCB Length: 53mm.
- PCB Width: 25.5mm.
- 4 x AA Batteries.
- Soldering Iron.
- Solder.
- Wire Cutters.