LilyPad Wearable Microcontroller
SKU: | 917-TBA |
Product Description
- This module is an Arduino-compatible microcontroller board designed for wearables and e-textiles. It can be sewn to fabric and similarly mounted power supplies, sensors and actuators with conductive thread.
- This module can be programmed with the software .
- The ATmega328V on the module comes preburned with a bootloader that allows you to upload new code to it with the software. You can also bypass the bootloader and program the ATmega through the ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) header.
- This module should only be programmed with software versions 0010 or higher. You can program it with earlier versions, but all of the time related functions will be switched off (making them twice as slow as they should be).
Features :
1. The board is based on the ATmega168V (the low-power version of the ATmega168) (datasheet) or the ATmega328V (datasheet).
2.Warning: Don’t power more than 5.5 volts, or plug the power in backwards: you’ll kill it.
3.Microcontroller ATmega168V or ATmega328V.
4.Operating Voltage 2.7-5.5 V.
5.Input Voltage 2.7-5.5 V.
6.Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output).
7.Analog Input Pins 6.
8.DC Current per I/O Pin 40 mA.
9.Flash Memory 16 KB (of which 2 KB used by bootloader).
10.SRAM 1 KB.
11.EEPROM 512 bytes.
12.Clock Speed 8 MHz.
This is an Arduino-comptabile product, meaning it is not made by Arduino. Arduino hardware and software are open source, so high quality Arduino-compatible hardware may be made by multiple vendors. Please ensure that all support issues for Arduino-compatible products are addressed to us at