Ready to get Logical? The limited edition Logic Expansion Pack will add powerful programming to your circuits. Logic modules create rules for your circuit to follow, enabling you to create more complex interactions. This expansion pack gives provides you one of each of the seven logic modules in the littleBits library at a great price.
New to logic? Fear not! Once you learn a few basic rules, a whole new world of circuits opens up. For an introductory lesson about logic, check out the littleBits lessons page.
Like all expansion packs, the Logic Expansion Pack is intended for Bitsters who already have a Kit or Bundle and does not come with a power, input, or output modules.
Modules included:
- Double AND - a good option for projects in which you want two actions to trigger another.
- Double OR - use this module when you want to detect two inputs but don?t care which input is activated.
- NAND - works well in projects that need an output to go OFF when both inputs are triggered.
- NOR - this gate can be used when you want the output to be ON unless one or both of its inputs are triggered.
- XOR - use XOR for projects in which the activation requires input alternation.
- Inverter - Inverters can be used in combination with logic gates to change how the logic works. Place if after the output of a gate and change the logic completely.Place it before one input and change the logic going into the gate from that input.
- Latch - Use the latch to turn any momentary input, like a button or a trigger module, into an ON/OFF switch, like a toggle!