Raspberry Pi Board not Included
Designed to help with a Raspberry Pi based Robot project. This board can control a DC motor or stepper motor. You can connect your IR and Ultrasonic sensors to tell your robot about its environment. You can easily make a Line Following, Object following, Wall following, Maze-Solving Robot.
- Control up to 4 DC Motors or 2 Stepper Motors
- Onboard LED arrow Indicators for direction
- Onboard 2 - IR sensor connector
- Onboard 1 - Ultrasensor connectors
- Python Library for interfacing
- Python-based GUI for controlling Motor Shield
- Dual H-Bridge IC L293D: For controlling up to for 4 DC motors or 2 stepper motors.
- Motor Input Supply Range: 6V - 24V
- Single Motor Output Current: 600mA or 1A peak current per channel
- Onboard LED arrow indicator for motor direction control
- 2 IR sensor Connectors with 3.3V level output protection
- 1 Ultrasonic Sensor Connector with 3.3V level output protection
- Male Header and screw terminal for Motor Supply
- GPIO stacking header
View Sample Codes, Instruction Manual, Schematic Files, GUI software and get the shield library code from GitHub here.