USB3 Power Switch - Logic Level Default
Turn your USB3 devices on/off using a switch or Pi/Pico/Arduino/etc.
The USB3 Power Switch is available in two models, Logic Level (LL) and Open Drain (OD). You can switch between either model by altering the solder jumper on the bottom of the PCB.
Logic Level Version
- ( "PU" solder jumper bridged closest to PCB edge, "OD" solder jumper bridged away from PCB edge )
- The USB Power Switch is normally OFF.
- EN is pulled low to ground by default (see "Pull Up / Pull Down" below).
- Applying a voltage >2V (20V max) to the EN pin turns the power switch on.
- Example: Connect GND (to GND) and EN (to a GPIO) of an Arduino/Raspberry Pi/Pico/etc., set the GPIO pin to be an output and set the pin high to turn the power on.
- Example: Connect the VBUS and EN pins of the power switch to a slide/toggle switch. When the connection is made by the switch, USB power will be turned on.
Pull Up / Pull Down (Logic Level ONLY)
When configured for control using Logic Level the default Pull can be altered. To pull the EN pin LOW (normally off) connect the middle pad to the pad closest to the PCB edge. To pull the EN pin HIGH (normally off) connect the middle pad to the pad furthest from the PCB edge. Irrespective of the LOW/HIGH pull resistor you still need to set the EN pin HIGH to turn the switch on and LOW to turn the switch off.
Convert from Logic Level (LL) to Open Drain (OD)
Solder Jumper OD - Remove the solder blob/cut the PCB trace between pad furthest from the board edge and middle pad. Then bridge the middle pad to the pad closest to the board edge. Solder Jumper PU - MUST be bridged between the middle pad and pad furthest from the PCB edge otherwise the switch will be always on.
- If your USB device/power supply negotiates a VBUS voltage higher than 5V when using Open Drain setting or changing the PU solder jumper to pull EN high it will be pulled to VBUS (the USB Power Switch itself can switch 5-20V).
- USB data lines are connected at all times.
- When "PU" solder jumper bridged away from PCB edge, "OD" solder jumper bridged away from PCB edge. EN pin is pulled high to VBUS. USB Power switch is normally ON but still controlled by high(on)/low(off) logic level on EN pin.
- When "PU" solder jumper bridged away from PCB edge, "OD" solder jumper bridged closest to PCB edge - Invalid - USB Power Switch is always ON.