DVK570 kit for Cubieboard3 $19.95 $79.95 DVK570 is an expansion board designed for Cubietruck, integrates various components and interfaces for connecting external accessory boards. It's ideal for Cubietruck evaluation and development. What's on the DVK570 Cubietruck connector UART0... Notify Me
Breadboard for Cubieboard 1, 2 $4.95 $9.95 Features of the breadboard: Add a vga header on board export the 2mm headers on cubieboard to 2.54mm headers 1312 isolated cells vias with size 1.1mm/1.8mm 2.54mm pitch Notify Me
littleBits - Battery + Cable $0.00 THIS ITEM IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE AS AN INDIVIDUAL COMPONENT This package contains a 9v alkaline battery and a cable to connect it to the power bit. Connect it up and then flip the switch to power all of your creations! Note: This product is designed for... Notify Me
littleBits - Inverter $0.00 THIS ITEM IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE AS AN INDIVIDUAL COMPONENT The inverter is a very contrary logic Bit. It sends out the opposite of whatever it receives: send it an ON signal, and the inverter changes it to an OFF signal, or vice versa. Try putting it... Notify Me
littleBits - Double AND $0.00 THIS ITEM IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE AS AN INDIVIDUAL COMPONENT The AND Bit is a logic gate with two inputs. Just like its name implies, it sends an ON signal from its output only when input one AND input two are both receiving an ON signal. Real World... Notify Me
littleBits - Fork $7.95 $14.95 The fork Bit gives you more options for connecting your Bits: it lets you connect the output of a single Bit to as many as three others. The additional Bits will be right next to each other. Use it when you want to trigger light, sound, and motion at the... Notify Me
littleBits - Wire $0.00 THIS ITEM IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE AS AN INDIVIDUAL COMPONENT The wire Bit is just what it sounds like - it allows you to physically separate your Bits. Try it whenever you need to break up your chain of Bits, like when you need to put a light at the top... Notify Me
littleBits - Double OR $6.95 $12.95 The OR Bit is a logic gate with two inputs. Just like its name, if input one OR input two is reciving an ON signal, then it sends an ON signal from its output. Real World Example Picture a house that has a doorbell at the front door and a doorbell at... Notify Me
littleBits - Branch $8.95 $16.95 The Branch Bit gives you more options for connecting your Bits: it lets you connect the output of a single Bit to as many as three others, oriented in different directions. Use it when you want to trigger light, sound and motion at the same time... Notify Me
Pimoroni Pibow Coupé for Raspberry Pi (Model 2, 3B, 3B+) $12.95 $15.95 Pibow Coupé. The slim, hackable, and attractive case for the Raspberry Pi! Features Compatible with Raspberry Pi 3 B+, 3, and 2 Extra venting, and a place for installing a heatsink if you really want to push your Pi Super-slimline... Notify Me
Cubietruck Metal Case A20 128GB SSD with Battery $149.95 $224.95 Cubietruck miniPC is open-source hardware especially targeting industrial control applications and mini server fields. The cubietruck whole machine contains a piece of cubieboard3(also named cubietruck) mainboard, a 5300mAh battery, a 128GB SSD and... Notify Me
Cubietruck(CB3) - standard package $119.95 Cubietruck is the 3rd board of Cubieteam, we also name it Cubieboard3. It's a new PCB model adopted with Allwinner A20 main chip, the same with Cubieboard2. But it is enhanced with some additional features, such as 2GB memory, VGA display interface... Notify Me
littleBits - Sound Trigger $13.95 The sound trigger listens to the noise level in your room, and sends an ON signal when it gets over a certain level. You can make that threshold louder or softer using the included screwdriver. We like to use it with an LED to light up your room when you... Notify Me
littleBits - Roller Switch $12.45 The roller switch is a handy Bit -- it has a little lever with a wheel, and activates when something moves past it. You can also flip the mode switch to make it turn off when the lever is pushed in. Try that mode with an LED to make a fridge light. Check... Notify Me
littleBits - Timeout $12.95 The timeout Bit is a settable timer. Try it after a button and follow it with a light. Press and release the button to start the countdown. In "on-off" mode, the light will go on as soon as you release the button and the timer will start counting down to... Notify Me
littleBits - Motion Trigger $0.00 THIS ITEM IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE AS AN INDIVIDUAL COMPONENT The motion trigger is similar to the sensor on an automatic door: when someone is moving nearby, it sends an ON signal to the following Bits. It's very sensitive, so don't breathe unless you... Notify Me
littleBits - Light Sensor $13.95 The light sensor measures how much light is shining on it. It has two modes: €œlight€ and €œdark.€ In €œlight€ mode, the more light shines on the sensor, the higher the signal it sends out. In €œdark€ mode, it's just the opposite -... Notify Me
littleBits - Pulse $6.95 $12.95 The pulse Bit is like an electronic heartbeat. It sends out a stream of short ON signals, and you can make the speed of the pulses faster or slower using the included screwdriver. It's great for making LEDs blink! Check out our Tips + Tricks for more... Notify Me
littleBits - Dimmer $9.95 Our dimmer Bit lets you control your creations with a simple knob. Turn it clockwise to send more signal to the following Bits. Try using it to control how much your vibration motor is buzzing and bouncing around. Check out our Tips + Tricks for more... Notify Me
littleBits - Pressure Sensor $19.95 The pressure sensor is a touch-activated module; give its pad a little squeeze to activate it. The more pressure you apply, the more signal it sends out. Put it in front of a vibration motor to control how much it shakes! Check out our Tips + Tricks for... Notify Me