Adafruit 9-DOF Absolute Orientation IMU Fusion Breakout - BNO055 $49.95 If you've ever ordered and wire up a 9-DOF sensor, chances are you've also realized the challenge of turning the sensor data from an accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer into actual "3D space orientation"! Orientation is a hard problem to solve. The... Add to Cart
PowerBoost 500 Basic - 5V USB Boost @ 500mA from 1.8V+ $14.95 PowerBoost is the perfect power supply for your portable project! This little DC/DC boost converter module can run from 1.8V batteries or higher, and convert that voltage to 5.2V DC for running your 5V projects. Like our popular 5V 1A USB wall... Notify Me
Espruino 1.4 - Open Source Javascript Microcontroller $29.95 $44.95 Try the JavaScript of things with the Espruino - the world's first open-source JavaScript microcontroller! This little board has an STM32 microcontroller pre-programmed with Espruino all ready to go so you can start playing with... Add to Cart