TCS3200 TCS230 Color Sensor Module for Arduino $9.95 This color sensor module uses the new TCS3200 chip, the better upgraded version of TCS230. TCS3200 is a static object color detection chip which can output different frequency based on different color sensed and then MCU can read the RGB color via... Add to Cart
DS1302 RTC Module $2.95 $3.95 Product description : 1. PCB for single panel, size: 44 mm x 23 mm x 1.6 mm 2. With four positioning hole, a diameter of 3.1 mm 3. The spare battery for authentic celestial CR2032, voltage 3 v, current 260 mah, the rechargeable battery. 4. DS1302... Add to Cart
4x4 matrix keypad membrane $3.95 Specifications Cable Length: 3.3 inch Keypad Width: 2.7 inch Keypad Length : 3.0inch Number of keys: 16 Matrix: 4x4 Related Links Arduino Keypad Tutorial Add to Cart
Shift Register 8-Bit - DIP-16 IC $0.75 The SN74HC595N is a simple 8-bit shift register IC. Simply put, this shift register is a device that allows additional inputs or outputs to be added to a microcontroller by converting data between parallel and serial formats. Your chosen microprocessor... Add to Cart
Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 Breakout $13.95 Add Internet to your next project with an adorable, bite-sized WiFi microcontroller, at a price you like! The ESP8266 processor from Espressif is an 80 MHz microcontroller with a full WiFi front-end (both as client and access point) and TCP/IP stack with... Add to Cart
MicroHOPE - MCP2200 USB to Serial Adapter $5.95 $14.95 This board is used for testing the soft-serial interface of MicroHOPE. It can be used as a general purpose USB to Serial Converter. Add to Cart
MicroHOPE USBASP Programmer Board $7.95 $14.95 This is an open sourced ISP (In-System Programming) programmer available from is provided as an accessory to MicroHOPE due to several reasons. If you want to develop programs that uses the UART of Atmega32, you need to... Add to Cart
MAX7219CNG LED Matrix/Digit Display Driver - MAX7219 $15.70 $17.45 When you need some help driving a lot of LEDs, the MAX7219 is the best friend you could hope for. Many of us know that if you want to control a lot of LEDs, you'll want to use multiplexing, a technique that lets you control 64 LEDs (say) with only... Add to Cart
DHT22 AM2302 Digital Temperature Humidity Sensor for Arduino $10.95 The DHT22 is a basic, low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding air, and spits out a digital signal on the data pin (no analog input pins needed). Its fairly simple... Add to Cart
Membrane 3x4 Matrix Keypad + extras - 3x4 $4.95 $5.95 Punch in your secret key into this numeric matrix keypad. This keypad has 12 buttons, arranged in a telephone-line 3x4 grid. It's made of a thin, flexible membrane material with an adhesive backing (just remove the paper) so you can attach it to nearly... Add to Cart
Shield stacking headers for Arduino (R3 Compatible) $2.45 How could something so simple be so useful? We heard once that in the 4th millenium B.C. some guy asked the person who invented the wheel that question. The person who invented the wheel's answer, we were told, was something like "Well... Add to Cart
Monochrome 128x32 SPI OLED Graphic Display $19.95 $25.95 These displays are small, only about 1" diagonal, but very readable due to the high contrast of an OLED display. This display is made of 128x32 individual white OLED pixels, each one is turned on or off by the controller chip. Because the display makes... Add to Cart
5V 4 Channel SSR Solid-State Relay High Level Trigger 2A 240V $10.95 5V Four Channel SSR Solid Relay Module 240V / 2A - High Level Trigger - For Arduino Specifications Max. LoadAC: 240V Input Voltage: 5V DC Trigger Current: 2mA Dimensions: 2.28 in x 2.2 in x 0.94 in (5.8 cm x 5.6 cm x 2.4 cm) Weight: 1.34 oz (38 g) Add to Cart
8-Channel Relay Module for Arduino & Raspberry Pi - 5V $8.95 This is a 5V 8-Channel Relay interface board able to control various appliances, and other equipment with large currents. It can be controlled directly by Micro-controller (Raspberry Pi, Arduino,etc.). Features 5V 8-Channel Relay interface board,... Add to Cart
US-100 Ultrasonic Sensor With Temperature Compensation Range $5.95 If you're like me, you've dreamed of being a dolphin - smoothly gliding through the water. Using your echo-location abilities to detect tasty fish treats. Until genetic modifications catches up with our desires, we'll just have to make do with this... Add to Cart
MicroSD card breakout board+ $11.95 Not just a simple breakout board, this microSD adapter goes the extra mile - designed for ease of use. Onboard 5v->3v regulator provides 150mA for power-hungry cards 3v level shifting means you can use this with ease on either 3v or 5v systems Uses a... Add to Cart
Arduino Stackable Header Kit - R3 $2.45 Description: These headers are made to work with the Arduino Uno R3, Leonardo and new Arduino boards going forward. They are the perfect height for clearing the USB-B connector and great for stacking multiple shields. This kit includes 4 headers (2... Add to Cart
Analog Sound Sensor Microphone Module $4.95 Description 1. The Sound Detector is based on a microphone and a power amplifier. It can be used for detecting the sound strength of the environment. 2. This sound sensor gets signal by both digital and analog output. 3. "AO" outputs real-time voltage... Add to Cart